Instant Coffee: How Does It Differ from Brewed Coffee?

Unlike other kinds of coffee, instant coffee is brewed and then dehydrated before you use it. When you add hot water to the dehydrated coffee crystals, they rehydrate so you can quickly enjoy a cup of delicious brew. 

The earliest version of instant coffee was created in Britain during the 1700s, but it did not become popular until more than a century later when it helped support soldiers during World War I and II. Today, instant coffee continues to be a great option for camping, travel, and everyday use. 

What Is Instant Coffee?

There are several different names for instant coffee, including soluble coffee powder, coffee crystals, and dried coffee extract. To make instant coffee, coffee beans are roasted and then ground. Next, they’re brewed just like other kinds of coffee — but that’s where the similarities end. Instead of being enjoyed right away, instant coffee goes through a dehydration process so it can be rehydrated and enjoyed later. 

There are two ways to dehydrate coffee: freeze-drying and spray-drying. To freeze-dry coffee, the finished brew is frozen and then dehydrated separately into small pieces. By contrast, spray-drying uses high temperatures to turn drops of coffee into dehydrated crystals

You might wonder which method is better for making instant coffee. Although spray-drying coffee is more economical for companies, it doesn’t protect the full flavor of the brew. Freeze-dried coffee tastes better and is often the choice of high-end coffee brands. On the brand’s packaging, you should be able to discover whether their instant coffee was frozen or spray-dried. 

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How to Make Instant Coffee

Making a cup of instant coffee is simple. You start by choosing a brand of instant coffee and a mug. Next, boil water for your brew. Measure out a portion of coffee crystals into your mug, and pour the boiling water on top. 

The packaging should tell you how much instant coffee and water to measure out for one cup. If you love trying new coffee recipes, you can get creative with instant coffee. Add milk, flavored syrups, sugar, whipped cream, and more for a delicious spin on instant coffee. 

Tips for Making Better Instant Coffee

Many people around the world love instant coffee. It’s convenient, it lasts for a long time, and it’s easy to turn into a wide variety of coffee drinks. However, instant coffee can taste burnt, weak or just plain terrible if it’s not made correctly. 

Here are a few tips on preparing a fantastic cup of instant coffee: 

  • Dissolve the crystals in milk or room-temperature water before adding hot water.
  • Use fresh, filtered water for the best taste.
  • Experiment with the water-to-coffee ratio depending on whether you want a stronger or weaker cup. 
  • Buy instant coffee from a high-quality brand.

Following these steps should ensure your instant coffee doesn’t taste weak or like it’s been burned. If you do not dissolve the crystals in milk or room-temperature water first but skip straight to pouring in the boiling water, make sure to stir vigorously so the crystals dissolve before they have a chance to become overheated. You can use an electric milk frother if you don’t want to do this manually. 

How Is Instant Coffee Different from Regular Coffee?

Although instant coffee may look like a prepackaged version of ground coffee, there are several important differences. Instant coffee is manufactured differently, its flavor profile varies, and it has a different caffeine content. 

Manufacturing instant coffee requires additional steps than processing regular coffee. After instant coffee is brewed, it has to be dehydrated before it hits the market. Traditional coffee can be sold after the beans are roasted or after they’ve been ground. 

Because of the way instant coffee is prepared, it also tends to taste different from ground coffee. The process of dehydration removes some of the oils that give coffee flavor, and instant coffee is often made with beans that are slightly more acidic and bitter.

Another difference between instant coffee and ground coffee has to do with chemical consistency. Instant coffee has slightly less caffeine and more acrylamide, a chemical compound that can be harmful in high doses. Some people prefer ground coffee because of these differences.

Despite differences in taste and caffeine content, some people prefer instant coffee because it can be made quickly. For busy professionals, parents, and people who travel frequently, instant coffee offers an energy boost without taking too long to prepare. 

However, others prefer buying ground coffee or coffee beans because they enjoy the daily ritual of making a nice cup of Joe. It can be calming to prepare a cup of coffee in the morning, even if it takes a little longer. The best coffee experience depends on what people are looking for when they drink coffee.

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Considerations for Coffee Enthusiasts

Some people may truly prefer the taste and convenience of instant coffee. However, coffee connoisseurs tend to prefer coffee with the freshest, richest taste — and they don’t mind the time it takes to create this flavor with fresher coffee. 

Those who are curious about instant coffee but want more flavor in their daily cup might consider trying specialty instant coffee. This type of instant coffee is freeze-dried, so it retains as much flavor and aroma as possible. It’s designed specifically to improve the experience of drinking instant coffee. 

Even still, many coffee enthusiasts prefer artisanal coffee over commercial coffee. It’s roasted in small batches by hand rather than on a mass scale. Because of how it’s produced, artisanal coffee has an enhanced flavor profile and supports the local economy. 

Trends in Coffee Consumption

In the United States, instant coffee is a small corner of the coffee market. According to Statista, in 2020, Americans drank 0.1 cups of instant coffee per day. Compare that to the average of about two cups of coffee Americans drank per day the same year. However, the worldwide instant coffee market is growing. It is expected to grow by 5.03% every year through 2028 and to generate a $30.3 billion revenue in 2023. 

Choose Joe’s Garage Coffee for Premium Coffee

At Joe’s Garage Coffee, our mission is to make your coffee stand out. We’ll help you create the perfect premium coffee that’s unique to your brand. You can focus on running your business while we take care of the logistics — roasting, grinding, packing, and more. 

If you’re interested in high-quality coffee beans or ground coffee, we have everything you need to get a successful coffee blend going. We also offer cups for Keurig, pods for Nespresso, and more to help get your products retail ready. Contact us today to get started

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